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[EN] Our Romanian Brothers!, translated by Elena Costea

Înapoi la Franța

(RO: Fraţi români!)

They had been imprisoned by the German troops during the first old war. The main monument from the cemetery is made of a great white cross, and at the base of its’ construction there are 3 marble plates.

On the plate from the middle, there were burned the next impressive words:

Romanian soldiers! Far from your country, for which you have sacrificed, rest in peace, glorified, on this land, who is not strange for you!

On the plate from the right part, it is mentioned that the Romanian soldiers have confronted with “hunger, privations and tortures”. As Priest Smerberg Fernand was telling they have sacrificed their life for the idea of humanity, for the freedom and for the piece of Europe.

Because in the free Romania, The Day of the Heroes was in the same day with the Christ’s raising, the Romanian from all the free countries of the old, will commemorate the Romanian heroes from Soultzmatt after 2 days from Raising, on Saturday, 9 may, 1982, at 13 o’clock.

The Soulzmat Locality is situated near Strazbourg, on the street between Colmar and Belford. As a consequence, and for all the people who have Romania in their heart, independently of their political affiliation, we make an invitation to participate at this holly commemoration and we suggest them not to forget the call from the heroes’ hymn:

Strew on their graves the flowers of glory in order to have a easier and gentle sleep our happy heroes!

God bless us!

Paris, 16 March, 1982
Remus Radina

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